सोमवार, 4 नवंबर 2013

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卐 सत्यराम सा 卐
सत्संगति मगन पाइये, 
गुरु प्रसादैं राम गाइये ॥टेक॥ 
आकाश धरणी धरीजे, धरणी आकाश कीजे, 
शून्य माहिं निरख लीजे ॥१॥ 
निरख मुक्ताहल मांहैं साइर आयो, 
अपने पिया हौं ध्यावत खोजत पायौ ॥२॥ 
सोच साइर अगोचर लहिये, 
देव देहुरे मांही कवन कहिये ॥३॥ 
हरि को हितार्थ ऐसो लखै न कोई, 
दादू जे पीव पावै अमर होई ॥४॥ 
साभार : Gauri Mahadev ~ 
Guru means ... Indescribable Wisdom, Here and Now. 
"God is nothing but your own inner consciousness. Now I will agree with you that you cannot always feel this God, but that is because you think that you are separate from God. We call it Maya. Maya is the illusion of separateness: it is the quicksand of this life. 
Sometimes we sink into this quicksand and then we need a hook; we need some guidance to help us pull ourselves out so that we can continue our journey. The hook that we use to do this is called the Guru." 
|| The Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma ||

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